Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
I won a contest! I think this is my first win at anything, well except for a few first place finishes in obedience. (I am very smart)
Anyway, mom entered me the "Green Pet" contest that Petco.com was having. I got selected as a finalist! Weee! The prize was a $100 certificate for Petco.com, and since I already have, like, three of everything except maybe bully sticks (I could use some more of THOSE), we decided to give it to Central California Labrador Retriever Rescue instead. Then mom decided she would match it!
All my friends and their moms who do rescue thought this was a GREAT idea, and they all voted for me! AND I WON!
So homeless Labbies will be getting a little something very soon.
Thanks to all who voted for me!
And thank YOU PETCO! (It IS where us dudes go!)