Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Phase 2, Task B, Subtask 1 through 4

Back from an AMAZING time at Adobe MAX. I felt lucky and honored to be able to attend. I learned so much!  Must must play more with Photoshop in InDesign! Must explore Muse and Edge! Must check out PhoneGap! Gagh!  So much to do, so little time.

We (me and the dogs) worked hard all weekend in the backyard, finishing up the weeding and put down new bark. The dogs immediately "christened" the new bark. Oh well.  We also got new landscape lighting working. Now I can tell if there is a skunk out there before I go out at night. Yes!

Ping's training is going well. She still jumps up. I need to NOT have variable reward criteria for this. Really. I do. I will. Okay maybe.

Ping learned to sit on a very small stepstool last week. Trying to teach her to sit up on it, but not too often, her little joints are still all rubbery.

I'm continuing my program of exercising the heck outta Ki. He is looking a bit more buff. If only I had someone that would do that for me every day!

Oh, and Rocky's all ready for Memorial Day...

Friday, May 03, 2013

Welcome Tig!!!

Short for Tigger, and he a cute little guy. We went up to a ranch and our friend Beth adopted this little guy. He's seven weeks old, and he likes food, snuggling, and peeing. He does not like cold, wet grass.

Splash played with him quite a bit last night, and Ping did a little bit too. Ping is gaining confidence by the day.  She tends to get too wound up when playing, and has to be calmed down a bit. So Ping played with Tig until she went over the top, then she needed a time-out.

Thursday, May 02, 2013