We didn't get to run, mom went to help out and we got to go and sit in our crates the whole weekend. I did meet some very nice people and we got a BIG cookie so that was pretty nice. Anyway it beats sitting in the dog run all weekend waiting for mom to come home and feed me.
In case you don't know what flyball is, here's the scoop. Humans make up teams of 6 dogs. They pick 4 of the dogs to run a relay race. The race goes over 4 jumps, then the dog has to hit a box and get a ball. Then they have to run back FAST with the ball and then the next dog goes. You can read more here.
All the dogs on the teams are crazed and bark constantly so it is pretty noisy and exciting. If you ever go to a flyball tournament, my advice is bring a chewie and some ear plugs for your human. And maybe some aspirin.

Here's the lanes where the teams run

Here's the boxes the dogs run to get their tennis ball