Monday, February 23, 2009
First walkies TONIGHT
I, otoh, am now and always have been, very handsome.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
At the herding trial

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Stormy skies at the sheepdog trial

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
This team completed all the tasks

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki had some admirers and made new friends
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
That means it is currently W minus 14, where W = First Walkies Day and 14 is the number of days.
We can't wait!
Also it is A minus 22, where A = First Agility Class and 22 is still the number of days.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Ki at almost 14 weeks!

Ki at almost 14 weeks!
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki still loves the holey roller ball the best. He stalks it whenever we go out in the yard, which is a lot.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Ki at 13 weeks

Ki at 13 weeks
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Little ki is hard to photograph, but here he is last weekend. I am getting a pedicure from my Auntie Melinda, so I was not quite ready for my close-up.
Ki and White Coud

Ki and White Coud
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Here is Ki last weekend meeting little White Cloud, an 8 week old BC rescue puppy. White Cloud has lots of white and two very very blue eyes...... and yes, White Cloud is deaf. Doesn't stop him from being bossy though!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Splash's raincoat

Splash's raincoat
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
This is how silly I look wearing clothes. Mom got me this raincoat because I sort of get offended by rain when it hits me (it IS rude!), but I think the raincoat is more offensive.
Dogs don't wear coats.
Fetchdog Rufflective Vest. I think I would look darn silly. What do you think?