(I have not been very good about writing this stuff down!)
What we did:
1) Restrained recalls. Just do a lead-out with these, i.e. don't run and yell like in flyball. The goal is to have a lead-out in the agility ring and the dog either comes to left or right side, or gets a "go-on". So, do two styles: one where the dog grabs the toy, and the other one you give the go-on command and throw the toy. Do on left and right sides.
2) Start working on pivots, 90 degrees. Use one hand to cue the turn, hold the tug in the other, when Ki moves with the cue hand, whip out that toy. Work up to a 270.
3) Continue working on focus heelwork, working up to a left and right, inside and outside circles at a run. Handler conditioning is a bonus here, I guess.
4) Continue working on finding position on left and right. I'm a little confused about this, actually, I tend to do the obedience style positioning and I'm not sure that is desired.
That was about it, the plank was set out at the beginning of class but we didn't get to it.
Notes to self:
Bring your notebook, a pen, and a freaking clicker. Every time.
Blog the class notes the NEXT DAY not the next week.
Clean out the training bag, it must weight 30 pounds with all the crap that has built up in it.
Don't worry so much. Ki is doing fine, he is only a baby, and no one really cares about us anyhow, so stop stressing out about this. Step back, go back to your obedience/trick training roots for a few weeks, and enjoy his puppyhood.