Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Agility class

Tuesday night is our begining group agility class. Everyone's doing really well in this class. Tonight we worked on a lot of go-outs to our visible target (mom has an Alley-Oop for me to use which is good because I am so enormously strong that I would break the homemade ones). Some of the go-outs were over jumps (4 in a straight line) and some were through a tunnel.

We also worked on shadow handling. I think heeling on the off-side, which mom calls "close", is confusing when done in a circle, 'cause I think it's one of my dance moves, and I try to cut or pass just to liven it up a little.

That's about it, an easy night. Now we are going to EAT, so I gotta go.

Hey it's dinner time! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like your work is lots of fun. What's an 'alley-oop'?

Just wondering . . .
