Thursday, August 02, 2007

13 things I like

I only have two things that I really love (an old sock and a toy hockey puck), and two is not the same as 13, so today I have a guest post from my mom.

What Splash's mom likes:

1) Agility practice, even though we almost never compete. I meet so many people who love their dogs and treat them the way I treat my own. Plus, it is good exercise for me and the dogs.

2) Bodybuilding. I joined World Gym a few months ago, and I'm working out with a trainer who looks just like an action figure. I am much stronger and fitter in just a few months. When I am working really hard, he calls me "monkey butt". Not sure if that is a compliment or not, but I think it might be.

3) I don't know why, but I've gotten used to keeping my bookmarks there, all nicely organized, and I don't know what I would do without it.

4) The TV show "Eureka", because it doesn't take itself seriously, and that is always refreshing. Plus it is SciFi and NOT Star Trek (yawn) so that is good.

5) My job. Yup I am a true geek and I like my job. I go home and read books for my job. I'm reading Everything is Miscellaneous" at the moment, and it's really thought-provoking.

6) The Nordstrom shoe department. 'Nuff said about that.

7) ColdFusion and the CF programming community.

8) Hanging out in my backyard, playing with dogs.

9) My MacBook pro, which runs OSX AND Windows....that is way cool.

10) Labrador retrievers, pretty much every one I have ever met. I cannot imagine a more happy-go-lucky breed. Did you know that Labs have been the #1 breed in the WORLD for the past 20 years? (Sorry Cal and Freda but there it is).

11) My Chemical Romance. Yup my big dark secret is that I adore Goth Rock. :-p

12) Anything pink. Especially hot pink. Maybe Splash would look good with pink fur?

13) All the people I have met, virtually, through blogging. You guys are awesome.


L^2 said...

Haha... Splash with pink fur!

Great list. You already know I ♥ Labs too, of course. :-)

Karen said...

Hi Splash and Co!
thanks for visiting -- so glad I could link back and meet you! Splash is one handsome lab and so lucky to have such a nice mom! And don't worry, me and the cats will keep your secret about the Goth Rock!
Great TT!!

J. Lynne said...

I love Eureka -- X-Files meets Northern Exposure. ;) I'm glad to find someone else who likes it too.

Happy belated TT!