Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Mom says I need I diet. I say, NO WAY, look at me I am a perfect example of my breed.
Mom says I need I diet. I say, NO WAY, look at me I am a perfect example of my breed.
But I am still far bigger, much tougher, and will always be more handsome. Just sayin'.
Notice that I am sitting nicely for mom's photo, Jewel is watching Ki, and Ki, well he is outta here.
Mom is trying to teach Ki to not go under the bed. Good luck with that.
Ki is considerably bigger at 10 weeks than when he came home, but the game still goes on. And on.
Ki was moving too fast here for mom to get a really good photo.
I am working very hard taking care of my puppy.
Ki brought out all the other toys.
Here's a photo of Ki's daytime hangout. It's actually the laundry room, but we don't run the washer when he's in there. It makes odd noises. Ki would rather be anywhere than here.
As a rule, I am a Very Nice Dog. Consequently, I do not believe I have ever mentioned how diabolically clever my mom is. When I was a puppy, she was always one step ahead of me. Of course, I was her fifth Yellow Lab, so she pretty much had Lab antics scoped out.
Ki is another matter. Usually Mom lines the laundry room with x-pens for us puppies to stay in when we are little. This is so we do not get squished up by Big Dogs. (like ME) Anyway, Ki figured out almost immediately that he could scale the x-pens like a ladder and achieve freedom. Fortunately, I did not squish him, although it was tempting.
So today, mom developed a New Plan. Oh, yeah, this is good. Here is the plan: do not try to contain the puppy. Yeah, that's a great plan. All she did was use the x-pen to prevent little Ki from going behind the washer and getting stuck, and she has a nice unscalable gate over the door to prevent Ki from getting out and getting squished like a bitty bug by me.
Here's a photo of the gate she borrowed from my agility instructor for the doorway.
This is the Ki-angle view of the x-pen and supposedly unscale-able gate. ;)
Now that you are all done reading the funnies, here are some photos of me teaching Ki to play my most FAV game in the whole world. It's called "Everybody Get Splash". This game is where pretty much everyone in the house, including mom, get me. Mom usually rubs my tummy, Jewel usually grabs my neck and pulls and growls, and Ki is a Splash-getter Padawan learner.
Ki just loves this toy. He likes tugging on it and also chasing it. He loves it when mom says "READY STEADY GO!" and then rolls it across the grass really fast. He is not very good about bringing it back.
I have always felt this toy is beneath me so Ki can have it.