Thursday, January 08, 2009

Ki's daytime hangout

Ki's daytime hangout
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Here's a photo of Ki's daytime hangout. It's actually the laundry room, but we don't run the washer when he's in there. It makes odd noises. Ki would rather be anywhere than here.


Eduardo said...

That's one cool hangeout!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Sophie Brador said...

OMD! I finally had some time to check out the little dude and let me tell you, Ki is a cutie-pie. Now, I can't imagine the hell you are going through having to live with the guy, Splash, but he is at least a looker.

Down with puppies! Up with 8 mth and overs.

xo xo

P.S. Did I mention that I'm almost 10 and not very patient with the wee ones?

Splash said...

I like it when Ki is locked in his clubhouse, but mom assures me that eventually he will be over 8 months old. I have no idea when that will happen, but since mom is pretty good at math (she can count up to more than 5 tennis balls) I believe it.