Tonight we went to the park just before dusk. It's nice there then. Usually it is pretty empty and we can practice our heeling in peace and quiet.
Last night though, there was a lady there with three dogs. All of them were off-leash. This is not a dog park. Dogs have to be on leash at all times. I'm on leash.
The lady told mom, as her dogs were running up to our car that her dogs were "friendly". I don't think "friendly" means what the lady thought it meant, because the dogs started barking and growling at mom. Mom shut the car door so we were safe, but she was outside still.
The lady never said anything, not "I'm sorry", or, even better "I'm sorry I'm a stupid idiot and my dogs are aggressive after all and I should never have been allowed to have them if the world was just", or something to that effect.
She also didn't clean up after her dogs, we saw the whole thing.
Oh, and here's another photo of the doglet: