Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Last night mom and I locked up the other dogs in their crates and went for a walk. We really should do that more often.

She's a little worried about my heeling, since we're entered in a Rally trial on Sunday. But I showed her how well I remember everything. I really like Rally, because mom talks to me the whole time. A guy needs a little feedback, you know?

Hopefully tonight we will practice some more. I'll try to get a photo.


Unknown said...

I love 1:1 time. Training is lots of fun. Can't wait to see the picture.

Freda said...

My former owners must have taught me to heel, because when my guy asked me to heel I did. Either that or I watched my friend Lindy do it and learned it from him. I like to heel. That means a training treat. Good luck at the Rally trial.