Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My favs
Jethro Tull - "Locomotive Breath"
Elton John - "Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding"
Boston - "Peace of Mind"
Aerosmith- "Dream On"
Santana - "Oye Como Va"
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - "I Hate Myself for Loving You"
Nirvana - "Lithium"
Credence Clearwater Revival - "Suzy Q"
Blondie - "Rapture"
Blue Oyster Cult - "(Don't Fear) The Reaper"
PS Splash always sides with me so he likes this list just fine, thanks.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
About lifelong learning
The annual conference for American Pet Dog Trainers is this weekend. (http://www.apdt.com). It's as close to home as it will get, about 45 miles one way.
From my local breed club, there's about 20 rabidly anxious folks going. We are so excited we have talked about little else since July.
From my local agility club, there's one person signed up as far as I know. Me.
Next time some agility person says something mean about "dog breeders" and how they only care for profit, points, and champions, I will remind them that I didn't see THEM at the conference. I will remind them that they would rather trial their dog every weekend than go and improve their clicker skilz training a chicken with Terri Ryan. That they were uninterested in hearing Sue Sternberg talk about rehabilitating shelter dogs using agility as a confidence builder. That they don't care to hear Turid Rugaas speak on becoming fluent in "dog". That unlike me, they are not beyond excited to get Bob Bailey to autograph that book, and Jean Donaldson of course, and Rugaas.....geez how many books can I carry?
I feel embarrassed and let down by the agility world right now. But, I am filled with pride for the show dog world.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ki's training for 8/11
I have been transitioning from the Gentle Leader to a pinch, working up to a martingale eventually for agility/obedience. He was able to focus really well, despite a few dogs racing around, and a Border Collie who wanted to meet him and waited by the fence. (There is a chain link fence around the park, and we were working outside it.) Several folks complimented us on our work.
Ki was NOT able to hold a stay for very long near the dog park. I know I have been pretty remiss in working the stay -- focus and play games just seemed so much more critical. He also was unwilling to down anywhere near the dog park -- not sure what was going on there, as when he wanted to meet a dog inside the park, he would make eye contact and then lie down and look down to get the dog to come over. He is remarkably good with other dogs and kids of all sizes and shapes. I am very very proud of my little Ki-Ki.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Class notes for 7/29
What we did:
1) Restrained recalls. Just do a lead-out with these, i.e. don't run and yell like in flyball. The goal is to have a lead-out in the agility ring and the dog either comes to left or right side, or gets a "go-on". So, do two styles: one where the dog grabs the toy, and the other one you give the go-on command and throw the toy. Do on left and right sides.
2) Start working on pivots, 90 degrees. Use one hand to cue the turn, hold the tug in the other, when Ki moves with the cue hand, whip out that toy. Work up to a 270.
3) Continue working on focus heelwork, working up to a left and right, inside and outside circles at a run. Handler conditioning is a bonus here, I guess.
4) Continue working on finding position on left and right. I'm a little confused about this, actually, I tend to do the obedience style positioning and I'm not sure that is desired.
That was about it, the plank was set out at the beginning of class but we didn't get to it.
Notes to self:
Bring your notebook, a pen, and a freaking clicker. Every time.
Blog the class notes the NEXT DAY not the next week.
Clean out the training bag, it must weight 30 pounds with all the crap that has built up in it.
Don't worry so much. Ki is doing fine, he is only a baby, and no one really cares about us anyhow, so stop stressing out about this. Step back, go back to your obedience/trick training roots for a few weeks, and enjoy his puppyhood.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Debate vs Flames
This phenomenon is particularly bad on blog such as Unclutterer, TheSimpleDollar, and GetRichSlowly, which have very loyal fans. There are others, but I can't think of more examples right now. I don't mean to single these sites out in any way, they happen to be three sites I used to read, that I have had to stop reading due to the prevalent ugliness in the comments.
What's happened to our society, when you can't idly speculate about something, or just plain disagree, without having everybody jump down your throat?
When I was a child, my parents had debates every night at dinner. Frequently, one of us would take a side we didn't agree with, just for fun. Everyone, no matter how little, was expected to contribute to the conversation. No opinion or position was ever ridiculed. I thought this was normal until one of my friends just recently mentioned this. She said she was raising her children using my parents as an example.
I'm not sure what I am saying here. I do think that young adults in particular have a problem with dissent. I know I did! The good news is, you will grow out of it. In the meantime, enjoy the difference in opinion, lifestyle, and looks. It is what makes the world magical.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Messages of hate and violence
As someone else pointed out, the only difference between those in my country using hate speech and advocating violence, and the Taliban, is eight thousand miles.
Last week, in my city, the city that gave you Rush Limbough, a local rock station's morning DJs advocated violence against anyone who is "trans gender". One of the DJs stated that if his son wore high heels, he would beat the child with the shoe. You can read more on the Huffington Post if you like.
I realize they are just trying to build ratings among the "dumb young white male" segment, and that I'm not exactly in that group. I am, however, in the more lucrative "have a good paying job with money to burn" segment that their advertisers presumably would be more interested in.
So, I am boycotting this station for all time. I wrote an email to the station saying that. Here is what it said:
Rob, Arnie, and Dawn just lost you a listener
Need I say more? Not only are they boring, talk too much, and say generally ignorant things, but as of last week, they are promoting messages of hate and violence. I realize it was intended to be shock/funny, but it just ended up being sickening.
I will be sure to tell stores I frequent that I do not listen to your station. If I find you will be attending a charity event to provide music, I will be sure to make my views known to the organizers. I may be only one listener, but I am a determined one.
A newly loyal Eagle 96 listener
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Class notes for Wednesday May 13
- Continue to work on folding down, signal only.
- Continue to work on fast sit, signal only.
- Continue to work on position while walking, increasing distance and distraction level.
- Start hand touch training. Be sure to keep hand flat with fingers closed (or open just be consistent). No word association yet. This will also provide practice with clicker accuracy. (and I need that, Ki's timing is so different from the retrievers. He is slower to act but faster to finish.) Ki is trying to paw the hand so be sure not to reward that.
- Kathie passed out a grid with Susan Garrett's crate games progression, so work on that.
Notes to self:
- My sole pen didn't work so be sure to get a box of pens for the bag
- Put a bunch of clickers in the bag too, it's ridiculous to have so many clickers but have to search the car to find ONE
- Get that training book into the bag too next time
- I think one thing was covered that I don't have here but since my freakin pen didn't work I didn't take notes, my bad
Friday, May 08, 2009
If you have pets, don't die.
I want all the commenters who are griping about this to disclose the number of pets they have, along with the details of the trust they surely have set up for their animals' care.
Okay enough from me! Two grouchy blog posts in ONE DAY. Glad it is Friday!
Sofa >>> Dog.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I win!

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
I won a contest! I think this is my first win at anything, well except for a few first place finishes in obedience. (I am very smart)
Anyway, mom entered me the "Green Pet" contest that Petco.com was having. I got selected as a finalist! Weee! The prize was a $100 certificate for Petco.com, and since I already have, like, three of everything except maybe bully sticks (I could use some more of THOSE), we decided to give it to Central California Labrador Retriever Rescue instead. Then mom decided she would match it!
All my friends and their moms who do rescue thought this was a GREAT idea, and they all voted for me! AND I WON!
So homeless Labbies will be getting a little something very soon.
Thanks to all who voted for me!
And thank YOU PETCO! (It IS where us dudes go!)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Circling the Hose

Circling the Hose
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki is trying to round up that darn hose. He figures if he circles it enough times, it will get intimidated.
I am sitting the in shade, watching.
Seriously, he circled it, like 30 times. Made me dizzy.
The Intense Stare

The Intense Stare
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki is trying to use the Force to will my mom to THROW THE FRISBEE THROW IT THROW IT THROW IT.
Monday, April 20, 2009

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki has a body just like a coyote now. He is so wolfish compared to the solidly built Labs. (Ed.: We are built to FLOAT!)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Me and my posse

Me and my posse
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Guess which one I am? (hint: I am not the Golden Retriever on the left)
From left, the Labs are: Vito-lucci, ME!, Flash, and Arson. Flash and Arson are also therapy dogs and are wearing their vests. Lucy Lab had gone off to the bathroom but she was coming right back.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Thursday Funnies
Anyhow, this study by the CDC just cracked me up. They forgot to count the perfect "take-down" Ki and Splash did on me the other day though.
Read more!
Nonfatal Fall-Related Injuries Associated with Dogs and Cats
Monday, March 16, 2009
I am not broken
Likewise, if you are a rescue person trying to find a home for a nice guy like me, just remember that dog is not broken either, and therefore cannot possibly be "fixed". We get spayed, we get neutered. If we break a leg, well yes, then we get fixed, but only then.
Just saying.
Monday, February 23, 2009
First walkies TONIGHT
I, otoh, am now and always have been, very handsome.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
At the herding trial

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Stormy skies at the sheepdog trial

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
This team completed all the tasks

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki had some admirers and made new friends
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
That means it is currently W minus 14, where W = First Walkies Day and 14 is the number of days.
We can't wait!
Also it is A minus 22, where A = First Agility Class and 22 is still the number of days.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Ki at almost 14 weeks!

Ki at almost 14 weeks!
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki still loves the holey roller ball the best. He stalks it whenever we go out in the yard, which is a lot.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Ki at 13 weeks

Ki at 13 weeks
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Little ki is hard to photograph, but here he is last weekend. I am getting a pedicure from my Auntie Melinda, so I was not quite ready for my close-up.
Ki and White Coud

Ki and White Coud
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Here is Ki last weekend meeting little White Cloud, an 8 week old BC rescue puppy. White Cloud has lots of white and two very very blue eyes...... and yes, White Cloud is deaf. Doesn't stop him from being bossy though!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Splash's raincoat

Splash's raincoat
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
This is how silly I look wearing clothes. Mom got me this raincoat because I sort of get offended by rain when it hits me (it IS rude!), but I think the raincoat is more offensive.
Dogs don't wear coats.
Fetchdog Rufflective Vest. I think I would look darn silly. What do you think?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Mom says I need I diet. I say, NO WAY, look at me I am a perfect example of my breed.
Ki's getting pretty big now!

Ki's getting pretty big now!
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
But I am still far bigger, much tougher, and will always be more handsome. Just sayin'.
Ki does not like family photo sessions

Ki does not like family photo sessions
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Notice that I am sitting nicely for mom's photo, Jewel is watching Ki, and Ki, well he is outta here.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ki and Splash in the office

Ki and Splash in the office
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Mom is trying to teach Ki to not go under the bed. Good luck with that.
Splash and Ki playing

Splash and Ki playing
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki is considerably bigger at 10 weeks than when he came home, but the game still goes on. And on.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ki's Lessons
Ki spent a little time running halfway after me, then flattening out on the grass. He looked pretty weird. I would never do that when there is something to be fetched! Then, when I was almost past him, he would run up to me and almost but not quite bite me. A little freaky, but since Ki is about as big as a bug I do not care. Anyway, I am the boss of Ki.
Jewel mostly just wanted to play on the grass.
Mom spent a bit of time trying to get Ki interested in my floppy frisbee. He already is a bit frisbee obsessed, and mom is trying to send him over the edge, I guess. He did some short runs after the frisbee, but mom quit the game pretty fast. She told me that will make him more obsessed for next time. Whatever. She told me she needs a second identical frisbee because Ki is not as polite about giving the frisbee back as I am. He doesn't really give any toy back, actually. He likes to collect them all into a pile and lay on top of them.
All this activity was apparently not enough for Ki, because he yipped and fussed in his crate until 4 am.
This morning Ki worked on touching the plate with both front paws. Right now, it is mostly just one paw. Mom noticed it is usually his left paw. He also worked on touching the Alley-Oop target with his nose only on the ball part. He is very good at that. Then mom got out the treat dispenser and tried to get Ki to touch the lever with his paw. This is going to be a little harder for Ki, but since he is already pretty much doing everything else nicely she thought well why not.
Tonight mom is going to get out one hurdle and try to get Ki to go between the poles. Why not. Ki is already 10 weeks old, nearly over the hill.
She also got her video on agility foundation training, which she plans to start watching tonight. Maybe she will get some more ideas to keep little Ki busy. And tired!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What Ki learned today
Also, he worked on sit, down from a stand and from a site, and going to his crate.
Ki's taking a nap now, and I'm beat from puppy-watching so I am sacked out on mom's bed.
Not a very good picture of Ki

Not a very good picture of Ki
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki was moving too fast here for mom to get a really good photo.
Splash is a good boy

Splash is a good boy
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
I am working very hard taking care of my puppy.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Ki's very first class!
He's out cold now in his crate. He was sooo tired that he only ate part of his lunch. Can I have the leftovers, mom?
Thursday, January 08, 2009
We have all passed out for the night

Ki has passed out on the big bed
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

Splash is sleeping next to his gorilla
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki brought out all the other toys.

Jewel is the Sofa Princess
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki's daytime hangout

Ki's daytime hangout
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Here's a photo of Ki's daytime hangout. It's actually the laundry room, but we don't run the washer when he's in there. It makes odd noises. Ki would rather be anywhere than here.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
The New Plan
As a rule, I am a Very Nice Dog. Consequently, I do not believe I have ever mentioned how diabolically clever my mom is. When I was a puppy, she was always one step ahead of me. Of course, I was her fifth Yellow Lab, so she pretty much had Lab antics scoped out.
Ki is another matter. Usually Mom lines the laundry room with x-pens for us puppies to stay in when we are little. This is so we do not get squished up by Big Dogs. (like ME) Anyway, Ki figured out almost immediately that he could scale the x-pens like a ladder and achieve freedom. Fortunately, I did not squish him, although it was tempting.
So today, mom developed a New Plan. Oh, yeah, this is good. Here is the plan: do not try to contain the puppy. Yeah, that's a great plan. All she did was use the x-pen to prevent little Ki from going behind the washer and getting stuck, and she has a nice unscalable gate over the door to prevent Ki from getting out and getting squished like a bitty bug by me.

The puppy-proof gate?
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Here's a photo of the gate she borrowed from my agility instructor for the doorway.

Ki's view
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
This is the Ki-angle view of the x-pen and supposedly unscale-able gate. ;)
Now that you are all done reading the funnies, here are some photos of me teaching Ki to play my most FAV game in the whole world. It's called "Everybody Get Splash". This game is where pretty much everyone in the house, including mom, get me. Mom usually rubs my tummy, Jewel usually grabs my neck and pulls and growls, and Ki is a Splash-getter Padawan learner.

"Everybody get Splash" game, action shot
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog

"Everybody get Splash" game
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Ki and his favorite toy

Ki and his favorite toy
Originally uploaded by olmikeydog
Ki just loves this toy. He likes tugging on it and also chasing it. He loves it when mom says "READY STEADY GO!" and then rolls it across the grass really fast. He is not very good about bringing it back.
I have always felt this toy is beneath me so Ki can have it.