Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Almost summer now

It's starting to get pretty warm around here! Watch out Cal, we have not forgotten our bet. The spring flowers are already fading, and the grass is growing very fast. Mom's not happy about that.

Tulip tree 

1 comment:

Freda said...

Great picture Splash. Our tree mallow is blooming but not as nice as your tulip tree. Boy, the grass never stops growing here! I am eating it as fast as I can but I can't keep up. We need some goats.

It's great that spring is about here, but I have allergies that I found I have when we moved to California. My human said last week that beginning in March I would start licking my tummy and paws again. Well, yesterday, 1 March, at 0230 hours, I started on my tummy. How did he know? He must have really good hearing. I am kind of noisy when I lick though.

I look forward to those warm sunny days lying in the grass.