Monday was obedience class. We are supposed to work some more on left pivots, at least until I know where my rear-y is. We are also working on stays and attention and heeling of course.
After that we had agility, and we worked on weaves. I don't like doing weaves at home. The grass is not as nice as at our instructor's house, and I just know that, at some point in the last two years I have peed there. I know you can't smell it, but I know it's there and I just don't want to step anywhere near our grass. Nuff said.
Tuesday night we had agility again, and I had to do the weave poles some more. Mom has them in a "channel", whatever as long as it is nowhere near pee-grass.
Jewel had freestyle class and she says she worked on "cuts", "passes", and spins. I told her she has a future in country dancing.
PS, just for Cal here is a photo of my Alley-Oop. Mom uses it as a "visible target" for when I have to run somewhere away from her. I know I'm supposed to run to it and touch it the ball on the top with my nose, 'cause that's when she clicks her thingie and soon I have a nice treat. It's not too hard once you understand the rules of the game. Mom likes this one because (1) it is too sturdy for me to break (2) it is too heavy for me to pick up without some trouble (3) it bobbles when I smack it instead of toppling over like the homemade ones and (4) it was relatively cheap.

The Alley-Oop used to be sold by Gary Wilkes, but sadly no more
They don't make them anymore, mom got it about 10 years ago
at a dog training conference. If you hear of someone who wants to sell theirs, mom knows a bunch of people who really want one!